
Love Inspired Movement Workshops


Moving Through the Chakras

Chakras are the energy centers where we receive, process, and translate information.
When these areas are open, our intuition is sharper, our emotions are balanced, and we feel more grounded and aligned within our body!

This workshop will help you to understand the purpose and function of each Chakra, while giving you tools to awaken and align your body through dance! Each participant will receive a packet of information to take home, an Energy Clearing and a copy of Meg's meditation, "Connecting To Inner Peace."

Moving Through Grief

Healing Your Heart through the Transformative Power of Dance




Moving Into Love

Honoring the Goddess, the Child, and the Shadow within



Additional Workshops:

Manifest Your Best Life

This workshop takes Vision Boards to a whole new level!

In this workshop we will cover:

  • The tools for successful manifestation
  • Outlining the desires in each area of your life
  • Getting specific with your current mindset and beliefs around what you desire
  • Designing action steps that move you closer to your desires

Each participant will receive a packet of information to take home with them, a clearing meditation and their very own Manifest Your Best Life Journal.

To request more information on the following workshops, contact Meg