This week's Angel Reading is all about stepping away and taking time to recharge and refresh. Spend some time outdoors, in nature, as that will help to cleanse your energetic body and transmute any negative feelings or thoughts you may be holding onto. It will also help to quiet that monkey mind so you can hear your intuitive voice more clearly. You need some space, so that new thoughts and ideas (or solutions to problems) can flow to you. Give yourself permission to have this break, as whenever we are pushing our energy or trying to force an outcome, it goes completely against the flow of the Divine and we end up blocking the very thing we are trying to achieve. While you're away however, keep holding the vision of what you most desire. This is the best (and easiest) time to be focused on the outcome you want, because you are giving it the space to manifest while nurturing yourself with care. See everything working out perfectly for you and everyone involved. Do activities that will align you with how you would feel if all your desires manifested before you. Waiting "until" you receive what you want to be happy is backward thinking. Be happy first, and like a magnet, you will pull all happy things into your experience.