
Angel Message- Week of April 27th

This Week's Angel Reading is asking you to practice the art of "letting go and letting God." You have been taught that to worry is to care, but worry is simply the energy of fear keeping you from peace in any situation. When you trust that everything is always working out according to Divine plan, you hand your fear over to God and can experience true peace. Your thoughts and feelings act as indicators to guide you in your life. Think of them as whispers from Spirit and heed their messages. They are always loving, exciting and firm when they need to be. Surrendering from fear helps you to hear, feel, and know these messages clearly. So hand over anything that is causing you distress this week to God and your Angels, and spend some quiet time connecting deeply with yourself so that you can hear your loving guidance. "When you follow your inner truth, you walk in the energy of love, and in the energy of love, miracles happen."