This week's Angel Reading is all about honoring your big dreams, and checking to see if you are in alignment with them. What action have you taken? Is it consistent? How are showing up to your work? If there's something that needs to be adjusted to increase productivity and results, now is the perfect time to take note of that. Look at what is working and what's not. The entrepreneurial spirit of problem solving is on your side this week as you make the necessary changes that support your big dreams. You'll also have the opportunity to reflect on your relationship with power, and how that is serving or hindering your progress. If you are in conflict with power, stop and reflect on why you feel that way. What is your belief around power and feeling powerful? Or are you not taking care of yourself properly to engage your personal power. This could be an indicator that your solar plexus (third chakra) is out of balance. If that's the case, do some research on this chakra and see how the imbalances are showing up in your life and what you can do to bring yourself back into alignment. This time for reflection will help you to walk in a straight line towards your goal. So honor this moment of pause and let it reignite your passion, excitement, and drive!