This week's Angel reading is all about turning over a new leaf, perhaps that of a clover! As it is the week of St. Patrick's Day, this reading embodies much of the Irish spirit in that you gotta let go of your troubles, kick up your heels, and let that new found joy lead you to a new day with new opportunities. In the letting go card you see a woman on her knees powerfully thrusting over her troubles, fears and worries to God. All of this negative thinking slows you down from your purpose and keeps your happiness at bay- which is not what God and your Angels want for you. Hand them over once and for all by saying "Thank you fears for keeping me safe, but I no longer need you. I now trust God and my higher wisdom to guide me. I release myself from you for good." The second card beautifully depicts a rainbow (not an accident, as that too is a symbol of the Irish) and a unicorn kicking up its heals. Unicorns symbolize fun, innocence, and purity. With the letting go of what no longer serves you, it's about returning to your joy, and becoming excited and passionate about the next steps ahead. With this new momentum and spirit you are literally kicking down the door of opportunity! "For it is a determined and spirit-ful soul that changes his own destiny." And so it is.