
Angel Message- Week of January 12th

This week's Angel Reading comes at the perfect time. The holidays are over and you're back in your routine, but with a list of big changes and expectations you have for yourself. The way to succeed is through self-care. If it's a healthy change you are making, are you setting yourself up EVERY TIME to be supported through that change? If it's that you want to be more positive, is your environment reflecting that positivity back to you, or are there things that have to be eliminated, adjusted, or reinforced so that you can stay focused in your practice? Your Angels suggest 3 additional tools to support you as you make these changes. 1.) Serenity- Make time away from others (even if it's 15min a day) to spend in solitude with yourself. This simple act trains your brain that no matter what is going on, you are committed to showing up for yourself. When you show up in these little ways, you show up to the bigger commitments. 2.) Cleanse- Take inventory of anything that is not contributing to your peace, health, or happiness. Look at your external environment as well as your internal environment. Commit to doing a few things this week (whether that's eliminating alcohol or cleaning out a closet) to cleanse your space so that you feel supported and empowered. 3.) Love- How do you show yourself love? Make a list and commit to doing one thing from that list a day, no matter how big or small. When you are intentionally choosing to do things out of love for yourself, the Universe responds by giving you more love. Allow yourself to receive it. "Be intentional with your actions. Be kind in your words. And love yourself the way God loves you."