We made it through Mercury Retrograde! As uncomfortable as that time was, it was a necessary part of us cleaning house on some old stuff. If you're feeling lighter today, more energized, that is why! We are being called this week to honor what we most desire and give voice to "the voice beneath the voice (Ego)". True success is not (in and of itself) making millions of dollars or landing a dream job, Success comes from honoring our hearts, living authentically, and being of service to those around us. From that we are filled with purpose because we know we are fulfilling our life's work. This week, the Angels are asking you to listen to the voice that calls you to do something greater. Let it propel you, excite you and lead you. "A life led in service to your truth and in service to others is the greatest success of your life." What are you most desiring to do? Are you doing it? What's getting in the way? Ask your Angels for the resources (time, money, people) you need so that you can take this leap. You always have help and you are always provided for. It's time for the soul to take the wheel of this bus. You are ready...