
Angel Message- Week of November 24th, 2014

This week your Angels are asking you to slow down, nurture, and seek a moment or two in solitude. Since October you have been going at full speed, and before things take off again it is important to get your thoughts and intentions clear about the direction in which you are moving. "In this rhythm of life, there are momentous moments and times for stillness. When you utilize the stillness to listen to your guidance, the power and clarity in which you move from that space will serve your manifestations greatly." With the end of this year upon you, what is most important for you to focus your energy on? How do you want to FEEL finishing out this year, moving into the next one? Is it possible that you've been pressuring yourself to finish all those goals you set in January and are now feeling overwhelmed? Your Angels ask you to let those fall away and reset your intention to just one thing: living in joy and gratitude. That is alchemy. That is where the magic is. And from that place, you'll recognize the miracles that are always present before you. "Let your day be one in which the whole world smiles upon you with gratitude and cheer." Happy Thanksgiving to you all!