This week's Angel Reading is all about recognizing your limitless potential to manifest abundance in all ways. Do not be fooled only by what you see in the physical world, as the Universe operates beyond any physical limitation.
This week's Angel Reading reminds us to CONNECT back to our heart's desire and soul's purpose. There is no such thing as a dream that's TOO big. If it serves your greater good and the greater good of others then it is vital you honor it.
This Week's Angel Reading focuses on Acceptance. First and foremost your Angels wish to remind you that despite what you feel, you are exactly where you need to be. Let the pressure to do more, to have more, and to be more go.
This week's Angel Reading is all about stepping away and taking time to recharge and refresh. Spend some time outdoors, in nature, as that will help to cleanse your energetic body and transmute any negative feelings or thoughts you may be holding onto.
This Week's Angel Reading is about trusting that you will receive what you have requested to manifest. This has been a recurring theme over the past few weeks and whenever a message is being delivered more than once, it's time to really listen.