
These are a few of my Favorite Things…




Visioning into the Future

Empath Training Guide

Cultivating Sacred Rituals of Self Care

Qualities of Energy in Balance (Masculine + Feminine)

20 Days of Radiance

Daily Affirmations

Full Moon Rituals

Manifesting with the New Moon


3 Minute Morning Grounding Practice

Opening The Throat Chakra

Making Space for Ease

Healing Unworthiness

Connecting to Inner Peace




A Course in Miracles- Helen Schucman

Loveability- Robert Holden

Return To Love- Marianne Williamson

Only Love is Real- Brian Weiss

The Endless Practice- Mark Nepo

The Book of Awakening- Mark Nepo

Heal Your Life- Louise Hay

I Am The Word- Paul Selig

Archangels & Ascended Masters- Doreen Virtue

Anatomy of the Spirit- Caroline Myss

The Science of Getting Rich- Wallace Wattles

Think and Grow Rich- Napolean Hill

Happy Pocket Full of Money- David Cameron Gikandi

Ask and it is Given- Jerry + Esther Hicks

E Squared- Pam Grout

The Desire Map- Danielle LaPorte

The Go Giver- Bob Burg & John David Mann

Money: A Love Story- Kate Northrup

Overcoming Underearning- Barbara Stanny

Excuses Begone- Wayne Dyer

The Motivation Manifesto- Brendon Burchard

The Big Leap- Gay Hendricks

Wheels of Life- Anoeda Judith

Bodymind- Ken Dychtwald

Feng Shui Your Life- Jayme Barrett

The Crystal Bible- Judy Hall

The Crystal Muse- Heather Askinosie and Timmi Jandro

The Twelve Houses- Howard Sasportas

The Wisdom Of the Ennegram- Don Richard Riso & Russ Hudson

Archetypes- Caroline Myss

The Dark Side of the Light Chasers- Debbie Ford



The Conscious & Subconscious Mind- Bruce Lipton

Rewire & Evolve Your Brain- Joe Dispenza

Put Some Distance Between You & Your Emotions- Colette Baron-Reid

Bob Proctor- On Success & Belief

The Process of Forming a Paradigm- Mary Morrissey

Achieve Every Goal You Set

The Perfect Way To Set Goals

PRINTABLE- Overwhelmed Cheat Sheet

Set a Timer and Get Your Work Done- Craig Jarrow

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck”- Mark Manson

6 Secrets to Success and Happiness


Are You Repelling Money? - John Randolph Price

Love Your Bills - Louise Hay

What You Need To Know About The Law Of Attraction

Bob Proctor- Shift Your Paradigm

Bob Proctor "Abundance Meditation"

Abraham & Ester Hicks "Financial Well Being Meditation"

How To Change A Money Mindset that Keeps you Broke- Marie Forleo


50 ways Happier, Healthier and more Successful People Live On Their Own Terms

Chakras: Natural Healing for Mind, Body, Spirit & Soul

The Muscle of the Soul May Be Triggering Your Fear & Anxiety

The Physical + Spiritual Meaning Behind Your Cravings

The Art of Sacred Eating- Heidi Symonds


Robert Holden- Ego, Essence, & Joy

Kyle Cease- The Dangers of Closing Your Heart


First Year In Business- Denise Duffield-Thomas

What It Takes to Become A Billionaire

Why Women Need A Tribe

How to Build a Sales Page- Amanda Loveland



11 Simple Ways to Connect With Your Spirit Guides- Rebecca Campbell

Chakra Test

Feng Shui Bagua Map

Creating Your Own Moon Ritual

Full Moon Rituals

Moon Phases

Why Do I Feel So Drained

8 Essential Crystals

The Crystal Quiz What Each Stone Means For Your Emotions

Do These 5 Things Before Bed & Wake Up Happier

The Power of Stones: Crystals & Chakras

Breaking Up With Social Media- Georgina Durcan



Video One

Video Two

Video Three


Additional Tools For Empaths


Crystals have been used as a healing tool for centuries. Made from the Earth, they each have their own vibrational frequency that can positively influence your vibration, or the environment around you. There are many kinds of crystals and they each serve a different purpose in their function. Always choose the ones you're being called to work with, but here are a few of my favorites:

  • Rose Quartz- unconditional love, peace, calming, attracting love, transmuting negative energy into loving energy, soothes emotional pain

  • Black Tourmaline- transmutes, cleanses and protects against negative energy of all kinds

  • Clear Quartz- enhancing psychic ability, deep healing, energy amplifier

  • Selenite- clears other crystals, accesses higher consciousness and guidance, great for meditation

  • Carnelian- promotes happiness, positivity, creativity, love for life

  • Amethyst- high spiritual vibration, protection, spiritual wisdom, enhances psychic gifts

  • Citrine- attracts abundance, raises self-esteem and confidence, cleanses and energizes



A great way to clear yourself from other people's energy is to take a Salt Bath. Salts that are predominately used for cleansing are Epsom Salt, Sea Salt (I recommend Hawaiian), or Himalayan Pink Salt. Besides the musculoskeletal benefits, salt removes toxins from the body and helps to calm the nervous system, which is vital for the Empath who's nervous system can be extremely sensitive. Add 1-2 cups (depending on the recommendation) to your bath water. If you don't have access to a bathtub, you can use an organic, all-natural salt-scrub for the same effects.



I have been using Essential Oils for well over 10 years and highly recommend them. When looking for an essential oil you want to do your research, as not all oils are created equal. I personally work with Young Living and DoTerra Essential Oils, due to their high quality and vibrational frequency. A lot of their oils have a nutritional label on them, because you can actually ingest them (which means no alcohol or fillers added to make more product). Oils that I recommend for Empaths are:

  • Lavender- calming and relaxation

  • Frankincense- enhances connection to Divine Source & protection/purification

  • Sage- clears out negativity from the environment

  • Cinnamon or Peppermint- relieves fatigue, helps with alertness, (peppermint is also amazing for settling upset stomach)

  • Rose- has the highest vibrational frequency of any oil, promotes feelings of love

  • Orange- the oil of "happiness", helps to lift the spirit