
Live As If

A few week's ago, I had the pleasure of attending a dinner with a powerhouse group of women. We showed up to that dinner as the women we wish to be 3 years from now. One woman handmade a cover she wrapped around a book and passed it around as her new bestseller. Another woman wore a beautiful ring nestled perfectly on her finger to announce her recent engagement. I guess you could call it an acting exercise, but no one in that restaurant knew we were acting. And very quickly, we forgot we were, as we slipped into these new realities that seemed just so obvious and matter of fact. 

Celebrate Your Wins

I was having one of those "entrepreneur moments", overwhelmed by everything I HAD to get done, feeling 8 years behind in my work, and not knowing which pile to tackle first. I started the day in anxiety and ended it feeling like a total disaster. This was the routine. In the middle of my overwhelm, I heard myself (my HIGHER self) say "Meghan... you are too busy struggling, you can't see that you've achieved exactly what you wanted. Can't we celebrate that?" 

My Angry Letter

I am just finishing up a 5-week course with Barbara Stanny called Overcoming Underearning. It wasn't until I read Barbara's book and heard her speak, that I realized I was a classic "Underearner". Not the most flattering title, nor is it something I wanted to admit, but in being honest and transparent, especially with all of you, it's important I share my process and learning around this.

My Struggle With Gratitude

I just celebrated a pretty epic milestone. I will be honest and say, however, the anticipation of turning 30 was an emotional one. Grieving over the expectations I had tangled up with this date; feelings of loss, of failure, of surrender, and finally returning to the truth that the journey is always perfect and exactly as it was intended. Once I stopped fighting and moved out of the resistance, I welcomed a beautiful shift within me. It was as if this invisible force I had been pushing up against in my 20's disappeared.

Is Your Environment Supporting You?

Ah January! The time for resolutions is upon us. What have you committed to this year? Better health? Becoming smarter with your money? More quality time with loved ones? Amen to all of it! I'm totally with you:) I love having a reset, where we can start fresh and set new intentions to drive our life forward, (though, I don't believe we have to wait until January to do it).  But there's one factor that tends to get overlooked that makes all the difference in how these resolutions pan out: Your Environment.