The Divine Feminine has many invitations for us. These invitations open the door to our Soul, cracking us open further to the joy, love, and wisdom that lives within each of us. The following twelve invitations are the backbone of Divine Feminine Mastery and Her sacred offerings to us...
the invitation to become aware of the good life has to offer now, to harness the power and peace of the present moment and free yourself from the illusion of the past- and- future- thinking, and to consciously choose what you desire to experience.
the invitation to embrace how worthy you are to receive love by setting boundaries and cultivating a sustainable, sacred practice of self-care.
the invitation to create a magical, rich, and rewarding life experience by embracing what brings you joy.
the invitation to set yourself free from the weight of a story that keeps you small, to be honest with yourself and others, and show up authentically in your life.
the invitation to abandon the belief that you are separate, alone, or disconnected from your intuition, Mother Earth, or the Universe, and to develop your intuitive abilities so that you can be a conscious co-creator of the life you desire and have a deeper, meaningful connection with Nature and the Divine.
the invitation to honor your pace and your path, release all expectations and comparison that causes you to struggle, and surrender to the rhythms of life, the seasons of experience, and the Divine’s plan for you.
the invitation to harness your power and joy as a creative being, to transcend your pain through expression, and to witness the magic and connection that your gifts bring the world.
the invitation to become an appreciative and grateful witness to the charm and enchantment of all life, to attune your eyes to see the goodness beyond the exterior of things, and to cultivate a life that aesthetically pleases the soul, touches the heart, and inspires the radiance within you to shine out into the world.
the invitation to give yourself permission to follow what resonates, to release what doesn’t, and energetically align yourself with the life you most desire.
the invitation to cultivate a tribe of sacred Souls that you can trust, lean into, feel safe, seen, and supported by, so that you have the foundation to fly.
the invitation to allow things to be as they are, to simplify what you are complicating, and restore a sense of balance and harmony in your life.
the invitation to witness the miracles, blessings, and synchronicities of the Universe, to trust that the Divine is always working on your behalf, and to cultivate an ever-flowing stream of abundance that supports the expansion of your life.